Answers to all every single question about our app.
Who made this?
Why did you make this?
Can’t you do this in YouTube already?
How does it work?
How do I make a new test?
Is this completely automatic?
Can this get my channel in trouble?
What can I expect from this tool?
How safe is this?
How much do I have to do?
What data do you collect?
How many videos can I test?
How to add/remove channels for a team
How do I stop/delete/cancel a test?
Can I run both thumbnail and title tests at the same time?
How many thumbnails can I upload?
Do I get notifications/updates on test results?
How different should my thumbnails be?
How do you know which thumbnail/title is best?
Will this work for YouTube Shorts?
How do you account for mostly my subscribers watching on the first few hours/days?
What is the “Control Group” in these experiments?
Am I giving you access to my YouTube channel?
How many titles can I put in?
How many tests can I run at the same time?
How soon can I know which thumbnail is best?
How do you know what my CTR/AVD is?
I just uploaded the video privately, how long does it take to show up on thumbnailtest?
How many views should I have before signing up for this tool?
How to Add Missing Videos
Can I upload my analytics file even if it's another language?
I don't see my channel listed when trying to add it to Thumbnail Test
How soon after uploading a video can I start my test?
Can I edit a title after a test has started?
What do the different test formats mean?
Why does my test say "Data Available in Two Days"?
Can I manually schedule when thumbnails switch?
How long can a test be?
What’s the minimum test length?
How do you know if a YouTube Thumbnail is good?
What does the size of the thumbnail have to be?
Do you have an affiliate program?