Daniel Ch avatarOpti Thumbnail Test avatar
2 authors59 articles
How does it work?
What is A/B Testing?
What can I expect from this tool?
Can’t you do this in YouTube already?
How many videos can I test?
How many thumbnails can I upload?
How different should my thumbnails be?
How do you know which thumbnail/title is best?
Can I run both thumbnail and title tests at the same time?
How do you account for mostly my subscribers watching on the first few hours/days?
How many titles can I put in?
How many tests can I run at the same time?
How long can a test be?
How soon can I know which thumbnail is best?
Is this completely automatic?
How much do I have to do?
How do you know what my CTR/AVD is?
What does the size of the thumbnail have to be?
What’s the minimum test length?
Am I giving you access to my YouTube channel?
How much does it cost?
What data do you collect?
Who made this?
How many views should I have before signing up for this tool?
How safe is this?
Can this get my channel in trouble?
Does this actually change thumbnails on YouTube?
How “biased” is the A/B Test?
Why should you A/B test your YouTube videos?
How do you know if a YouTube Thumbnail is good?
Can I manually schedule when thumbnails switch?
What is the “Control Group” in these experiments?
Do I get notifications/updates on test results?
Will this work for YouTube Shorts?
How do I stop/delete/cancel a test?
How do I see my old tests?
How do I see my current tests?
How do I make a new test?
Where can I report bugs?
Where can I give feedback/new ideas?
Do you have an affiliate program?
Why did you make this?
I just uploaded the video privately, how long does it take to show up on thumbnailtest?
Can I upload my analytics file even if it's another language?
Can I edit a title after a test has started?
Why does my test say "Data Available in Two Days"?
What do the different test formats mean?
What’s your refund policy?
How to cancel your subscription
Do you offer a trial?
How/where can I ask questions?
How soon after uploading a video can I start my test?
How to add/remove channels for a team
How do I change my payment details?
Chrome Extension troubleshooting
I don't see my channel listed when trying to add it to Thumbnail Test
How do I suggest a feature?
How to Add Missing Videos
How do I apply a coupon/voucher, if I have one?